Showing 1 — 27 out of 94 articles
Last updated December 6, 2022Bob PhillipsHopefully, you’ve been keeping a budget and sticking to it all year long. But, if you haven’t, you can still set a holiday budget.
Last updated December 1, 2022Anthony MartinLike stocks, real estate can appreciate over time. And, unlike stocks, real estate also provides the benefit of generating rental income.
Last updated October 21, 2022Catherine SchwartzIf you’re planning to buy a house or take out a loan, your credit score will be a significant factor in whether or not you're approved.
Last updated September 23, 2022Bob PhillipsPerhaps the biggest drawback of traditional banks is their fees, which derive from the higher overhead costs they experience than online banks.
Last updated August 25, 2022Bob PhillipsThe plan can provide up to $20,000 in debt cancellation to Pell Grant recipients and up to $10,000 in debt cancellation to non-Pell Grant recipients.
Last updated July 26, 2022Bob PhillipsDepending on where you live and how many kids you have, you’re probably spending between 10% and 25% of your income raising them.
Last updated July 18, 2022Anthony MartinHow do you manage money effectively if you receive it on a random basis? And what issues may arise when your income is irregular?
Last updated July 6, 2022Bob PhillipsBuyer’s remorse is that knot you get in your stomach after you’ve swiped your card for something you almost immediately have second thoughts about.
Last updated December 9, 2022Bob PhillipsIt may sound cheesy, but retirement is a journey — not a destination. Plan your journey carefully, and don’t rush into it.
Last updated June 21, 2022Bob PhillipsIt’s been estimated that up to 80% of U.S. workers are paid hourly. They include cooks, bakers, cashiers, retail sales associates, hostesses, and baristas.
Last updated June 6, 2022Bob PhillipsWhile the rule is very straightforward and can help you establish some sense of order with your finances, there are several flaws with this strategy.
Last updated June 2, 2022Bob PhillipsThe cost of working with a wealth manager depends on whether they work for a large firm, a smaller boutique firm, or independently.
Last updated May 25, 2022Bob PhillipsInvestors believe in diversification. They attempt to limit their losses. Gamblers often go “all in” by betting all of their money on a single stock
Last updated May 11, 2022Bob PhillipsTo help you build good financial habits, let’s zero in on four areas that are essential to long-term financial security.
Last updated April 22, 2022Bob PhillipsSpoiler alert: most millionaires aren’t at the country club — they’re at home in a middle-class neighborhood driving an older model car.
Last updated April 15, 2022Bob PhillipsWhat can you do as a parent to help your kids learn smart money habits and build a strong foundation for their financial future?
Last updated March 18, 2022Bob PhillipsWhen it costs more to borrow, fewer people spend money on things like homes and cars, and fewer businesses expand or buy new machinery.
Last updated March 8, 2022Bob PhillipsCNBC reported in February that January 2022 data showed that inflation had surged to an annual growth rate of 7.5%, which was the highest since 1982.
Last updated March 2, 2022Bob PhillipsNot only is your mental health impacted by financial concerns, but there is also an increased probability of adverse physical effects.
Last updated November 30, 2022Bob PhillipsCalculating your net worth is simple. All you need to do is add up all of your assets and subtract your liabilities (net worth = assets – liabilities).
Last updated February 4, 2022Bob PhillipsThanks to the media, social and otherwise, we’re well aware of what FOMO is doing to us, and we’re desperately seeking solutions.
Last updated January 27, 2022Bob PhillipsThe standard deduction for 2021 increased to $12,550 for individual filers and $25,100 for married couples filing jointly to account for inflation.
Last updated January 25, 2022Bob PhillipsIf you’re classified as a self-employed worker in 2022, don't miss out on these 10 tax deductions that are available to you.
Last updated January 21, 2022Bob PhillipsMore than 1 in 5 investors has no idea what they pay in investment fees, and another 10% don’t know if they’re paying any fees at all.
Last updated January 6, 2022Bob PhillipsYour financial advisor or agent is going to be your household Chief Financial Officer. As such, they need to know you and your situation personally.
Last updated January 4, 2022Bob PhillipsAccording to a Cornerstone Advisors survey of U.S. consumers, 60% of people that own crypto would use their bank to invest in cryptocurrencies.
Last updated December 13, 2021Bob PhillipsDelays and shortages are affecting holiday shopping by making it more difficult to find some highly sought-after gifts.